Diabetic Foot Care Advice

The aim of this blog is to help members of the public to understand their feet better. However the information on this blog should never be regarded as medical advice. Readers with foot problems are strongly encouraged to visit their GP if not the podiatrist for further medical assessment and treatment.

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Tuesday, December 4, 2007


A bending of one or both joints of one or more toes is commonly called hammertoe. It does not affect the big toe. This abnormal bending of the small toes can cause difficulty with footwear. This condition can cause pain when shoes are worn. It can also cause calluses or corns to build up on the effected toes. If the condition has caused the bones to become dislocated, it can cause persistent pain.

If left untreated, hammertoes can become rigid and therefore be resistant to non-invasive treatment. The underlying cause of hammertoe is an imbalance of the muscles and tendons. Ill-fitting shoes can further aggravate the condition.

Hammertoes can arise from a congenital defect. This condition can also occur after an injury, such as a broken toe. Sometimes, wearing proper footwear is enough to provide relief from pain. Shoes should have wide, deep toe boxes. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help alleviate pain.

If corns or calluses have developed, they can be trimmed by a physician. Over-the-counter corn pads may provide temporary relief by protecting the corn from being irritated from footwear.

The doctor may prescribe the use of orthotic devices, splints, or straps. Orthotics may be used to try to correct the imbalance of the muscles and tendons. Splints or straps may be used to realign the effected toe.

If the hammertoe does not respond to non-invasive methods of treatments, surgery may be necessary One surgical method is called arthroplasty. This surgery involves removing a small portion of bone.

Arthrodesis is a surgical treatment for severe cases of hammertoe. During arthrodesis, the joint of the toe is fused in a straight position. A surgical pin may be used to hold the bones of the toe in position as it heals. The muscles and tendons could also be adjusted during a surgical procedure for hammertoe.


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